Our Mission Statement
Bottom line Buildings Mission is to provide the highest level of integrity, quality and service in steel buildings to the flexible do it yourself customer at a real bottom line price. To practice daily the wisdom and understanding, we gain thru our Definite Major Purpose. We offer customers honest effort, knowledge and expertise, assisting them in taking advantage of real sales, clones or discounts on steel building components. We will always strive to identify the customer true needs in order to help them order the components that best suit their building needs with out relying on surprise tactics for profits later.
We are committed to sacrificing our time and effort to really put our customers’ needs first and are willing to admit when our flexible, do it yourself system is not the best solution for the customer; pointing them in the right direction when we are not. This attitude reflects the unique Extra mile effort and customer service of Bottom line Buildings in meeting the customers’ needs before our own. We believe that every customer deserves our “we will work harder and be more honest than any competitor”, as well as all the facts and not only if they know to ask the right questions. We are devoted to giving back ten percent of our profits to worthy causes and to our community.
Definite Major Purpose
We live in a day when the moral law, honesty, integrity, ethics and principals have been ruled out of many businesses, legal systems, as well as our personal lives. The basic idea of an absolute right or wrong is rejected by most businesses and only reacted to by their employees, business owners and managers. This decline results in business owners, managers and employees doing "what's right in their own eyes." Quick riches and rewards are the short term motives for their daily decisions, not the laws such as the basic golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." In a world where "get what you can while you can get it," may have allowed the business and consumer to feel it's ok to not be absolutely truthful, because both expect exaggeration or untruths. This mentality promotes a "do it to them before they do it to me" attitude in almost all phases of our society. The Great riches and rewards that God wants to allow us are lost or traded in for immediate gratification.
Bottom Line Buildings, Inc and Affiliated Companies have a Definite Major Purpose to operate and grow into great companies by using the Biblical standards of honesty, integrity, and wisdom. Our companies seek first, to be an example and standard for business within our industry, and then to the world; secondly, to teach our employee's, managers, and officers to earn the rich treasures offered by wisdom and prosperity with a code of conduct and commitment to these standards and principles; third, to allow God to be glorified through our lives, example and business. Finally, we resolve to develop and mentor twelve officers to carry on our tradition and standards in order that the company does not loose sight of this vision as it grows.
We believe that any company, person, family, city or nation that discovers and uses the treasures of God's wisdom will become a marvel to the world. We as a company desire to be a marvelous example to inspire others.
"Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes and say, surely this great (company) is a wise an understanding people… what (company) is there so great that hath statues and judgments so righteous as all this law which I set before you this day." (Deuteronomy 4:6-8)
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally… and it shall be given him." (James 1:5)
Employee Code of Ethics
As an Employee of Bottom Line Buildings and affiliates, I have read and understand the Companies commitment to their Definite Major Purpose and the Biblical standards of honesty, integrity, and wisdom. I realize that my thoughts, words, actions and attitudes reflect who I am in my personal, family and business life. I also realize that my words, attitudes and actions affect not only other employees and customers but also will influence the perception of new employees, customers as well as the public of who Bottom Line Buildings is. Therefore I agree to abide by the following principles:
I will uphold and follow the policies and procedures as stated from time to time in the Bottom Line Building manuals and other literature, observing not only the letter, but the spirit of the policies and procedures.
I will present myself, all products, availability of products, warranties and services to my customers and prospects in a truthful and honest and un-exaggerated manner and I will make only representations and claims as authorized and approved by Bottom Line Buildings.
I will be courteous and prompt in handling any and all customer request or complaints, following procedures as prescribed in the Bottom Line Buildings Manuals.
- I will conduct myself in such a manner as to reflect only the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and responsibility; because I recognize that my actions as an Armor Employee have far-reaching effects, not only on my customers, but also on other employee’s customers as well as the public eye.
I have read the study guide and agree to be faithful in the little things, giving myself and my employer my best efforts at all times to provide the best advancement opportunity possible for myself and other employees.
I will accept and carry out the various pre-scribed responsibilities of an Bottom Line Buildings employee and as I progress to such levels of responsibility; the roles and responsibilities of an effective manager.
I will use only authorized and approved literature in marketing or representing any particular product, opportunity or the corporation.
I have read and fully understand the non-compete section of my employee agreement and accept and respect the responsibility of the confidential and proprietary training and information I will receive.
John Employee
John Employee